8th Sunday in Ordinary Time [A] February 26, 2017

Matthew 6:24-34

God is our ultimate goal. To attain this end, we must entirely commit ourselves to Him. 


A proverb is a short pithy statement that smartly expresses a general truth. Today’s Gospel begins with a proverb that may well have been a popular saying in Jesus’ own day and age:

“No one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24).

No matter what one’s religious convictions may be, this affirmation rings true. One’s mind and heart best are given to one supreme goal. Competing interests fuel frustrations and lead to real and lasting disappointments.

Saint Augustine (+430) expresses the same truth in the very beginning of his classic work Confessions when he exclaims: “You have made us for Yourself O Lord, and our hearts is restless until it rests in You.”

Far too much time and energy is squandered worrying about tomorrow.

Of course, we have a responsibility to care for those around us and to live generously and gratefully for all God has given us. The difference Jesus tells us is letting Him be Lord, Savior and Messiah of our lives and stop acting as though its our world with others living in it.


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