Welcome to Little Flower
Doing Little Things with Great Love
Humble Beginnings
On September 23, 1928, Bishop Samuel Stritch gathered with the 46 charter families to consecrate a new church in the Toledo neighborhood known as “Reynolds Corners.” To minimize confusion with another church already existing on Dorr Street located 4 miles closer to the city center that had been dedicated to Saint Teresa of Avila, Bishop Stritch explained the new one dedicated to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux would be referred to by her nickname – Little Flower.

Encountering the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, living as His missionary disciples, and sharing His fullness of life in the spirit of St. Thérèse.
Core Values
Simplicity | Relationality | Discipleship
“Knowing Jesus is the best gift that anyone can ever receive. That we have encountered Him is the best thing that has happened in our lives. And making Him known by our deeds and words is our greatest joy.”
-Pope Francis
We exist to offer everyone a life-changing encounter with the person of Jesus in order to grow together as His intentional disciples. We dare to offer credible witness to the difference Jesus alone makes.

- Call 419.537.6655