Live Small (6/14)

The world brazenly trumpets, “Go big or go home.”

Jesus shockingly says, “Be small and become great.”

The very first ones are simple fishermen and utterly unimpressive in every earthly regard – rough, weathered and unlettered laborers. They are neither inspiring nor equipped with the necessary natural skills to evangelize the planet. Yet, Jesus’ initial selections are precisely these types.

In today’s parable proclaimed at Holy Mass, we all are the tiny mustard seed (Mark 4:30-32). Jesus proclaims the smallest – each of us – can grow in ways far beyond our own imaginations to the degree we seek first God’s Kingdom in our daily living.

Stated differently, God’s help brings forth astonishing differences when we dare to let Him change us. This happens when we are true to form; that is, small and little. As we keep our sights set on our smallness, the power of divine grace will be on display splendidly.

  • “He [Jesus] must increase, I [John the Baptist] must decrease” (John 3:30).
  • “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me” (Philippians 4:13).

Saint Thérèse wanted to disappear inside the walls of the Carmelite monastery in Lisieux. Her sincere desire to take on a small and unassuming life enabled God’s Kingdom to fill her like an overflowing torrent. It is nothing short of entirely astonishing that our very own parish is among the collection of “birds of the sky who have taken shelter” within the absolutely abundant life brought forth from her tiny mustard seed; that is, her littleness and smallness.

Big is overrated. Live small and be amazed.

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