Always Seeking Heaven (7/31)

“Seek what is above…not what is on the earth (Colossians 3:1-2).

Our time upon the earthly stage this side of heaven passes quickly. How easily the restless human heart can lapse into the pursuit of worldly goods and lose sight of our life in Christ and all that which He alone provides now and forever.

True value is discovered by means of living in the light of eternity. Chasing the “big four” – power, riches, honors and pleasures – likens languishing in darkness as ckear direction remains elusive.

Many of us have realized the biblical truth that happiness and fulfillment are not found by accumulating worldly goods.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus expresses the truth ever so concisely: “one’s life does not consist of one’s possessions” (Luke 12:15).

How do those who seek security through earthly resources how maintain their superficial lifestyle? Hoard and store. For them, whatever is never is enough.

How utterly discouraging and defeating.

Friends, our lives only become meaningful with God, never apart from Him. God alone is the source and summit of our existence and fulfillment.

Live today with your ultimate destination in mind – heaven. Make positive and practical acts of detachment today regarding what you own and what you use.

  • How much do you share your goods with the needy?
  • How much time and wealth do you contribute to corporal and spiritual works of mercy?


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