Resting Well (2/6)

How important it is to learn to how to rest in ways that bring about interior renewal and revive a drooping spirit.

God wants us to look after ourselves, to take care of our mind, body and soul. We need to rest to stay fit so that we can be about our daily duties faithfully and cheerfully. Proper rest makes us able to serve God and other people better.

When we are fatigued it is much more difficult to do things well and to do them in the way God expects.

Do not confuse rest with laziness. Rest involves going to the place that makes us strong. For some people, refreshment is found through nature by means of an outdoor walk or stroll through a park or time by the water. Oftentimes the place that makes us strong is relational; that is, being with good, trusted friends and savoring the delights of their company. Any time is a good time for showing our love for others and this always helps to rejuvenate our weary, tired self.

Finally, Jesus rested as a result of the demand made upon Him by family and friends. He grew weary and tired just like everyone else. When Jesus rested, however, He never did so because He was annoyed with serving others. Nor did He isolated Himself and make Himself unavailable to people as if to say, “Stay away – I deserve my turn.”

Love compels us to be concerned about the weariness and health of those who are close to us. Know the place that makes you strong and make your way there regularly.


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