Jesus makes Himself the cornerstone of His Church. Without Him, the entire structure collapses. Because the cornerstone affects the entire structure, that means that Christ is essential for everyone one of us. We are not His disciples for moments in the day – say, when we are at prayer or doing some charitable act for another. Nor are we His followers merely on set days like Sundays and Holy Days.
Imitating Christ and living as members of His Church must matter at the deepest levels of our being. When someone is in love, it influences their view of everything else. Being a Christian is meant to be the most important feature of our very existence, the lens through which we see the world and the inspiration by which we live every day this side of heaven.
Christians and their families who build their lives upon the cornerstone of Christ have a very different view of things than pagans who do not live by faith and who only see things in a purely worldly and material way.
Christians make this happen by immersing themselves in God, through daily prayer, by means of receiving the Holy Sacraments and in letting daily labors be a source for sanctification.