Amazing Faith (9/12)

Time and again the Gospel evangelists describe the reaction of the people to Jesus’ words and actions as amazing.

In today’s Gospel reading, however, it is Jesus who expresses astonishment. Upon meeting and hearing a centurion – that is, a Roman official and Gentile – Jesus exclaims: “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith” (Luke 7:9).

Faith is a sheer gift of God which we receive when we fervently ask for it.

Faith does not happen accidentally. Faith has nothing to do with dumb luck.

  • How do I pray for an increase in faith?
  • What am I doing to grow in my understanding and practice of the faith?
  • What am I watching, reading and discussing to strengthen my belief?
  • What is my participation level in spiritual offerings beyond Sunday worship including retreats (ACTS), bible studies, Men’s Nights, Women’s Nights, etc…?


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