Timely Questions For These Holiest of Days (4/3)

In the Gospel for the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday evening, Jesus insists that His real followers will keep His example.

“I have given you an example. You are to do as I have done to you” (John 13:14).

So then, if we dare set out to be a Christian disciple, then be a good one. The way we treat the people we encounter each and every day is the way we are known as Christians.

  • Do others see us as followers of Christ by our kind consideration for their own genuine well-being?
  •  Do others see us as followers of Christ by how we earnestly seek to understand and respect them?
  •  Do others see us as followers of Christ by our charity toward them in our thoughts, words and actions?
  •  Do others see us as followers of Christ because of our helpful and grateful attitude?
  •  Do others see us as followers of Christ because our love for them compels us to speak sincere words of encouragement and voice clear correction when required?
  • Do others see us as followers of Christ by our asking for forgiveness when we have treated them badly?
  • Do others see us a followers of Christ by our doing little helpful things for them that easily can go unnoticed?


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