Second Sunday of Lent [B] 03/01/15

MARK 9:2-10

A pattern is emerging. Jesus’ prediction of suffering and death as the way to glory is followed by misunderstanding on the part of the disciples. Yet, Jesus does not abandon them in their failure. He calls them and instructs them further on the nature of true discipleship.

Q. What is Transfiguration?

 A. The revelation of Jesus’ divine glory is witnessed by the apostles Peter, James and John on Mount Tabor in lower Galilee. During this dramatic event Jesus’ face shines brilliantly like the sun and His clothing appears bright as light. Then Moses and Elijah appear. Their presence alongside Jesus indicates that the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah) testify to the coming Messiah, now identified as Jesus. All three Synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke – record the story.


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