Synod On The Family (October 28)

Winds of confusion are swirling from the recent Church synod on the family that took place in Rome earlier this month.

Rest assured, there is no ambiguity as to what the Church holds to be true.

  • God’s beautiful plan for the sacred partnership of life and love – marriage – is between a man and a woman.
  • Holy Communion is received properly by those who are in communion with the teachings of Christ.

It always is good to be reminded that Christ calls us to act charitably toward all people including those who disagree with us. Christ founded His Church as a field hospital to help the sick; it is not a society of the perfect! Thus, we welcome sinners who join us because we ourselves always are short of the mark and ever need of God’s medicinal grace.

I am first in line as a sinner. I come to church precisely because I am wounded and imperfect, sincerely seeking to be made whole by Jesus’ love experienced through His Holy Sacraments and delivered also through the community of disciples tha tis our family of faith.

We hold always and everywhere that all people are created in God’s image and deserving of respect, dignity, care and concern.

Let us be reminded, that Christian means we submit ourselves of the teachings of Christ Jesus.

Am I perplexed by the myriad of competing voices trying to tell me what I should believe? Yes.  Am I distressed by it all? No. After all, it is the Holy Spirit who guides the Church and Jesus promised that evil is incapable of prevailing over Her.

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