Who really is the man and saint after whom the new pope took the name “Francis”?
A superb new biography of SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI has been written by Father Augustine Thompson, OP, “Francis of Assisi: A New Biography”. Father Thompson draws special emphasis on the deep devotion to the MASS and searing love for the EUCHARIST that consumed the person of SAINT FRANCIS. Like Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (“Mother Teresa), SAINT FRANCIS powerfully understood that real imitation of Christ and Christian charity flows forth from first encountering Christ in the Eucharist and at the altar. According to Franciscan scholars, this book from a Dominican priest is a worthwhile read and reliable presentation of the saint.
For different study that instead seeks to present the how Saint Francis’ life has been interpreted over the ages, I recommend “Francis of Assisi: The Life and Afterlife of a Medieval Saint” by French scholar Andre Vauchez.
Saint Francis, pray for us!