For me, the isolation has stripped away the veneer of insecurities. Fundamentals rediscovered, and in some cases actually discovered. Though sincere in my love for Christ Jesus as my Lord, Savior and Messiah, my priestly life and ministry mostly has been exercised on my terms. No longer.
Jesus is the High Priest, the Holy One who calls some, unworthy as we are and always will be, to cast aside the shinny things having captured our attention and follow Him. His call is not mostly, but absolute and total. He has patiently led me through these difficult weeks when priesthood as I had known it was turned upside down and inside out. It is not for priesthood to be re-engineered but for Jesus to be sought and found.
Divine mercy sometimes is severe and always heals. Nothing else suffices. As Thérèse Martin exclaims, “Everything is Grace.” How right she is!
Public Mass resumes today at Little Flower in Toledo. Intentional disciples know true worship is about Jesus, not us. May we seek Him with renewed vigor and resolution of heart.