To Be For Or Against Jesus (9/27)

How precious is God’s Kingdom?

In this Sunday’s Gospel we hear Jesus teach in no uncertain terms that it is the ultimate possession a person ever can have. This is the meaning of the seemingly over-dramatic measures that Jesus announces to defend oneself against sin and the resultant loss of God’s Kingdom (Mark 9:42-48). Can Jesus really mean that one should be drowned rather than bring down a new Christian (v. 42)? How can one be expected to cut off a hand (v. 43), or a food (v. 44), or pluck out an eye (v. 45), rather than sin and, therefore, lose God’s Kingdom?

Jesus’ teaching is unambiguous: the Kingdom of God is so utterly and absolutely precious that it is far better to lose something personal and important, but which ultimately can be done without, than to forfeit God’s Kingdom. 

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