How blessed the meek, for they will inherit the land (Matthew 5:5).
Please do not misunderstand. In the third beatitude, there is no praising of laxity, tepidness, cowering or indecisiveness as meekness is stereotyped in popular culture.
Jesus explains meekness as a virtue of active engagement. Those who become meek tirelessly pursue doing what is right and good. The meek always are eager to help. They simply resolve to make situations better. Meekness does not recoil when evil asserts its ugliness, but boldly scatters the specter of darkness by flooding it with the light of goodness.
From the biblical point of view, the opposite of meek is not strong but cowardly.
The meek sincerely seek to live as conduits of divine mercy and forgiveness, rejecting violence as an acceptable means and displaying the superior power of love.
In the second part of the third beatitude, the meek are made heirs because they are disposed to receive everything as God’s gift. Embracing their true identity as God’s adopted children, they expect God’s provident care. Inheritance is bequeathed to children. Thus, the meek fittingly inherit the Promised Land, the Kingdom of Heaven. In imitation of Christ, the meek desire only to give to the world. They know their true homeland lies elsewhere: it is the very Presence and Power of the Living God.