Sunday Preaching Notes (10/4)

NOTE: Yesterday we celebrated our parish feast – Saint Therese, the Little Flower. While it formally falls on October 1, we always enjoy a second celebration the following weekend.

Therese Martin, the Little Flower, gives us a “new way” to connect with God. She does not begin with how sinful we are, but instead first sets her sights upon our blessed Lord Jesus. Therese simply teaches us to fall in love with Jesus.

Stop approaching God as if the way to Him is a app fashioned with higher levels we must keep achieving so to get and unlock the last level – God’s Level.

Simply fall in love with Jesus!

Real love of God moves us to make choices that please Him. When we genuinely love Jesus, we will want our imperfections washed away by divine mercy.

Loving Jesus first fuels happiness and zeal.

Saint Therese, the Little Flower, pray for us!


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