Whenever we begin smartly we do so with the end in mind. That is, knowing why I am doing something helps us to do it well.
The same holds true with Lent.
Throughout the next six weeks the only reason we fast, give alms and pray is to cultivate a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Several have asked what might I do for Lent. With the proper end in mind, here are a few ideas you might consider to expand your love of God and love of others in order that you truly are different on Easter than you are today on Ash Wednesday.
Couples, families and friends might consider doing one of these together.
- Commit to reading Sacred Scripture at least 10 minutes a day. As you are able read the God’s Word slowly and do so aloud. Start with the Gospel of Mark and take your time by reading carefully and thoughtfully.
- Read a Christian classic. A favorite of Saint Thérèse, the Little Flower of Jesus, was The Imitation of Christ (still today a very easy and wonderfully practical book to read). I also recommend the similarly accessible Introduction to the Devout Life (Saint Francis de Sales) and the more modern The Seven Story Mountain (Thomas Merton)
- Pray one devotion daily or weekly – perhaps, the rosary, divine mercy chaplet or stations of the cross. Be sure to set distractions aside and pray wholeheartedly.
- Make your way to church and spend time with Jesus in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.