Second Sunday of Advent (12/7)

What a curious way to begin a story!

In the very first verse the Gospel writer announces the hero to the story: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Then the action immediately switches to two different figures. First words attributed to the prophet ISAIAH are recalled that 800 years before first had prophesied a messenger who will prepare the way for the God’s Messiah (Mark 1:2-3). Then JOHN THE BAPTIST is placed before the readers as the one who is the fulfillment of this promise (vv. 4-6).

John carries out his God given task to prepare minds and hearts for the arrival of the Messiah. Many come to know Jesus through John’s passionate preaching and tireless work always aiming to lead people to Him.

Everyone person receives a God given vocation. God depend on our obedient and cheerful response to His call. Many great things hang in the balance as to whether we dare to live our lives as God wants. Are we bringing those around us closer to God? Do we give good example in the way we speak and act at work, at home, in social settings?


Advent 2


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