Saint Dominic (8/6)

Woe to the ignorant! Ignorance hatches evil at first as misunderstandings then, when unchecked by the truth, it infects actions and, from there, spreads further as an ugly contagion polluting the culture.

In response to the tsunami of confusion sweeping away the conviction and character of many Christians, Saint Dominic and his Order of Preachers (OP) formed to promote genuine Christian doctrine with clarity, correctness and compassion.

The task of transmitting the deposit of faith to everyone is no less of a pressing need today as it was in the time of Saint Dominic and the beginning of his Order. Indeed, by virtue of their baptism and initiation into the Church of Christ, every Christian is endowed with the continuous mission to grow in understanding and practice of the true and authentic faith.

The call of Christ is a summons to forge a deeply personal friendship with Him. We witness the horror of a world becoming less human to the extent it ceases to be authentically Christian.

  • What is our commitment level to know the teachings of Christ and sharing them with those whom we encounter?
  • Are we earnestly striving to align our entire lives with Christ’s teachings – personal, social, professional, political?
  • Are we fueling our faith through the practice of venerable devotions including the wearing of scapulars, having our homes blessed, praying before every meal, reciting the rosary, beginning the day with a Morning Offering, ending the day with prayerful recollection, prominently displaying images of Our Lord and items drawing our attention to Christ Jesus?

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