As a child, Thérèse went to Sunday Mass. Even after the death of her mother, her father continued this habit every Sunday with the children.
It was through her encounter with the Eucharistic Lord Jesus that she received special graces.
Showing up always is the first step.
- During her First Communion, she suddenly experienced an awareness of future suffering and corresponding confidence to endure whatever trials she would face.
- At Christmas Midnight Mass in 1886, she received the grace of deep conversation which healed her from the grip of stifling insecurity.
- Throughout her battle with tuberculosis which would take her life at the young age of 24, she would drag herself to chapel to unite herself to her Eucharistic Lord Jesus, despite utter exhaustion and great discomfort.
To be sure, she did not always find warm feelings and consolations in the Holy Eucharist. In fact, she described times of being distracted and sleepy in chapel. However, these moments did not grieve her because she considered that she was receiving Jesus in order to give Him pleasure and not for her own satisfaction. That is, she understood Eucharist Adoration never to be about what she got out of it but what she gave to the Lord Jesus, even was about what do I get out of it.
Thérèse discovered that there is no better way to live as an intentional disciple than the worthy reception of Holy Eucharist.