Preaching Notes (6/14)

Jesus promises His Church that He will be with us always until the end of the age (cf.Matthew 28:20).

The reason we need not fear and be discouraged, however pressing the challenges, is that Jesus promised to remain with us always. All that we face, Jesus faces it with us. We are not on the losing side of the battle no matter how fiercely we feel it raging within us and around us.

  • Jesus is greater than our fears.
  • Jesus is greater than our discouragement.
  • Jesus is greater than Covid-19.
  • Jesus is greater than racism.
  • Jesus is greater than violence.
  • Jesus is greater than every threat to our inner peace and happiness.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

The HOLY EUCHARIST makes the presence of Jesus among us a permanent one. By means of the HOLY EUCHARIST fulfills His promise to remain with us always.



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