Parish Webinar Notes: Walking With Purpose (6/23)

I still am savoring the delights from our weekly parish conversation LITTLE FLOWER LIVE! earlier this evening and learning about the positive differences Walking with Purpose is making in the lives of Amy and Marie who joined me earlier this evening as panelists. More than 100 (!) women at our parish are participating in this beautiful movement of the Holy Spirit enriching lives, expanding compassion and growing confidence.

Here is the contact information to learn more about opportunities at Little Flower:

This September at Little Flower (virtual, hybrid or in person):

  • New women will read and discuss the book, Opening Your Heart.
  • Returning women will read and discuss the book, Touching The Divine

Both books can be purchased on the website [current 20% off Code is COVID19]

MEANWHILE there is an ACTIVE VIRTUAL Walking With Purpose at Little Flower for Younger Women.

The Young Adult Walking with Purpose Group is dedicated to growing closer to Jesus through prayer, Bible study, and accepting community. It is open to all young adult women ages 18-early 30’s. They are meeting virtually on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm. Currently they Young Adult Walking with Purpose women are reading and discussing selections from The Catholic Woman, a collection of letters written by Catholic Women For Catholic Women. New members are welcome!! For more information, please email

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