Our Father

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches His disciples to pray and gives them the words of the Our Father. What if we really considered the meaning of these words and lived by them?

Our Father

Loving and compassionate One who nurtures all created life

Who art in heaven

Remind me that wherever You are is heaven, and You live within me.

Hallowed be Thy name

The name by which I am saved and the name that makes all the difference

Thy kingdom come

A kingdom in which all people are loved, cherished and respected

Thy will be done

Possible only with the strength I receive from You

On earth as it is in heaven

Where all live in perfect self-outpouring love

Give us this day

I come with open hands and heart

Our daily bread

Help me to be content and satisfied with all that You provide

And forgive us our trespasses

Unworthy as I am of Your love and mercy

As we forgive those who trespass against us

Especially those whom I find difficult and against whom I hold a grudge

And lead us not into temptation

For you know how weak and vulnerable I am

But deliver us from evil

Shelter me in Your protective love, keeping me from all that would separate me from You


So be it. I believe. Amen.

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