Genuine Christians forgive others their wrongful behaviors. Jesus requires it and insists that we forgive without limit, not counting times, not expecting favors in return.
Nothing we do imitates Jesus more completely as our daring willingness to forgive.
Forgiveness is sincere and from the heart. It is granted to others like God pardons us. It rejects bitterness and does not allow divisiveness to linger. It never humiliates the other person or manipulates them.
Practically, it often is not necessary to say “you are forgiven”, instead it’s more than enough to smile, to redirect the flow of a conversation, to make a kind gesture.
To forgive is to take away the debt another owes because of something they did that was wrong and offensive. Their action was wrong, remains wrong and always will be so. But the debt of what is owed because of their wrongful action is wiped clean.