Modified Schedule & Procedure Changes (5/22)

Dear Friends United in Love of Christ and His Church:


Beginning next week on Tuesday, May 26 you are able to return to Little Flower to celebrate Mass. Of course, things will be different in our church as well as with our worship – everything is different. We are committed to maintain a sacred space that is as safe as we know how.

If you have not yet done so, please be sure to check out our parish website homepage for details including our adjusted schedule that enables us to sanitize thoroughly and provides you with options throughout the week to pray in church. There are informational videos as well as documents outlining procedures we will follow.

We have heard you! Our live-stream of Mass, Rosary (daily 6:30pm) and Holy Hour with praise and worship music (Wednesdays 6:00pm) will continue.

For Christians, difficulties become opportunities to grow in faith, hope and love by divine grace. We commit to letting our trials give our testimony to Christ Jesus by how we respond as a community of believers seeking to advance God’s Kingdom right where we are. .


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