Making the Most of Lent (2/19)

LENT provides splendid opportunties for growing in understanding and practice of the Catholic Faith. This special season of grace expressly seeks to bring about deepening conversion to Christ. It begins by our really wanting it to happen. Start simply by telling Christ Jesus that you want to live as His disciple. Open your mind and heart to Him that He may enter which He will whenever we humbly ask.

In his brilliantly perceptive and marvelously entertainig worked entitled “The Screwtape Letters”, C.S. Lewis (+1963) explains that the devil first sets out to make Christians indifferent. Indeed, the most lethal contagion infecting the Church today is “lukewarmness”. Far too many baptized Christians and even registered parishioners wish only to look the part.

Genuine followers of Christ never settle for mediocrity. 

Dynamic parishes never settle for status quo.

Intentional disciples resist temptations to do only what is the minimum, instead extending themselves to imitate Jesus in all things and to inspire others to do the same. These are very challenging days for indifference looks to have infected far too many souls. This Lent, rebuff temptations to live half-heartedly. This Lent, strive to be the saint God calls you to be.


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