Making Our Way to God Like Children

This Christmas, let us make our way to Bethlehem with the humilty and exuberance of  children. That is, go to God without with souls wide open to divine grace, expecting to encounter the Living God and showing Him with our love, affection and devotion.

When Jesus plainly states that only those who become like children will enter God’s Kingdom (Matthew 18:3) He is not expecting tantrums and other childish actions, but rather innocence and simplicity. Jesus identifies childlike characteristics that are essential for experiencing heaven, both now and for all eternity.

Being like a child is:

  • knowing and cherishing dependency upon parents and having utterly no vestages of self-sufficiency and supreme independence.
  • having a fundamental disposition of needing, which is what mature Christians feel and express to God the Father.
  • being attentive and completely immersed in the present, the only moment we are guarenteed this side of heaven.


Jesus and the Children


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