Living as an intentional disciple simply means that you consciously are underway walking with Jesus being transformed by Him as you progress daily. Despite struggles and failures, you have made a sincere commitment to follow Jesus in the heart of His Church.
You are different from those who are not living as intentional disciples. Yes, still far from perfect though earnestly and humbly seeking to be perfected always by means of divine grace.
Living as an intentional disciple is not so much achieving as it is permitting; that is, permitting Jesus truly to reign as the Lord, Savior and Messiah of my life. In this way it always echoes the heartfelt response of our Blessed Mother:
“May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38)
So, then, let’s review the INTENTIONAL DISCIPLE essentials.
1) Jesus is calling me to follow Him; that is, God wants me, even expects me, to pattern my daily living more and more after His words and actions.
2) I am seeking to do so in the heart of His Church; that is, I am trying to respond obediently and cheerfully even though it’s tough.
3) I’ve still got plenty of sinful and ungodly habits that mark what I think, what do and what I fail to do AND I am persistently seeking to find Jesus, to encounter Him every day.