Practice Daily Prayer. If you practice daily prayer, persevere. If you have not acquired the habit, begin today. Don’t worry about the words. Don’t’ worry about what happens. Simply show up and spend time with Jesus in conversation with Him.
- “I love the LORD, who listened to my voice in supplication, Who turned an ear to me on the day I called” (Psalm 116:1-2)
Be a Good Neighbor. Check in on others – call them, text them, Remember the neighbors who are in need – those completely sequestered in their homes, those suffering from chronic illnesses, the family who relies on free school lunch, the family whose parents still have to work through the kids are home. Church is not a building but the people God calls to be His own!
- “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets” (Matthew 7:12).
Create a New Sunday Routine. Not having been stuck at home for so long, choose to see the downtime together as a gift. Livestream Mass together. Read together. Play together. Prepare meals together – maybe even sharing a meal with a neighbor in need. Share blessings. Listen to music together. With special attention make Sunday the day of rest and rejuvenation God asks us to make it.
- “Remember the sabbath day—keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).