On Holy Thursday we commemorate the Last Supper.
Along with the Sacrament of Forgiving Love – the Holy Eucharist – Jesus also gives us the perfect example of humility and charity, an instruction on what it really means to participate and to follow Him.
First Jesus washes the feet of His disciples and, then, He explains what His action means: “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” (John 13:15).
By washing His disciples’ feet, Jesus shows us how far we are to humble ourselves to extend service, however lowly and difficult and inconvenient our neighbor appear. Imagine – Jesus takes to His own knees to meet ungrateful humanity, even those who will betrayed Him. Jesus demonstrates that participationmeans repaying evil with good, forgiving everything and even daring to repay those who have done us wrong with kindness.
On the same holy night that Jesus institutes the Eucharist, He also displays true charity, showing us perfectly that forgiving love is both the fruit of the Eucharist andwhat it means to participate as a member of His Church.