The PASSOVER is the principle Jewish feast commemorating God’s liberation of the People of God from their slavery. For the special arrangements regarding the meal, Jesus turned to Peter and John. These two disciples take care of handling the preparations, finding things unfolding in exactly the way Jesus said they would happen. Their special attentiveness to ready the room and ritual for everyone else reminds us how important it is to prepare ourselves for Mass. When we listen carefully to Jesus’ instructions and prepare ourselves well so, too, do we help others at Mass to recognize the God’s Presence among us in His Word and His Sacrament.
During their Passover meal, most likely towards the end, Jesus institutes the HOLY EUCHARIST. Until this dramatic moment, God’s covenant or sacred partnership with His Chosen People is represented by the paschal lamb which is sacrificed for the entire family to share – what commonly is called the Paschal Meal. However, Jesus changes everything. Now the LAMB being offered is CHRIST Himself. The new banquet for the family of believers is the BODY OF CHRIST and we are given the clear instruction to “take and eat.”
On this momentous evening, Jesus gives His apostles and their successors – who soon thereafter will be called bishops and priests – the power and duty to enact this miracle until the end of time. Together with the Holy Eucharist, Jesus institutes the ORDAINED PRIESTHOOD during the Last Supper.
Catholic Christians hold that Jesus always remains really, truly and substantially present with us in the Holy Eucharist. We believe the Jesus in the Upper Room is the same Jesus atop the Altar and in the Tabernacle. We assert that Jesus sees us, recognizes us and deeply desires us to draw close to Him. We rightly speak to Him just like the apostles, sharing with Jesus our joys and sorrows, successes and failures, hopes and dreams.