How blessed they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied (Matthew 5:6).
The Greek word translated in the New American Bible as “righteousness” (some reputable translations render it “justice”) expresses an unmistakable sense of right direction. Righteousness is realized when things are ordered clearly and properly. That means, making things as they are meant to be according to God’s design.
God’s righteousness is the salvation of humanity. This is accomplished perfectly, perpetually and universally by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
The fourth beatitude magnificently proclaims God’s redeeming and saving will. Those tirelessly (daily) pursuing God’s will and responding obediently and wholeheartedly to it will be satisfied. A more graphic translation of the result implies becoming perfectly content – “eating to one’s fill”. Of course, this is no mere private matter. Genuine Christians seek to realize God’s righteousness not only in their own lives but everywhere.
- What are you pursuing?
- What is the fire burning within you?
- Where do you spend your time, talent and treasure?
- With what or with whom are you preoccupied?