How blessed the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:3).
Oftentimes poverty in spirit is connected with divestment or detachment. We hear the homily or sermon that explains to the degree we are not controlled and under the spell of wealth, pleasure, power and honor we are poor in spirit. And as we grow in poverty of spirit – detached – we are ever more able to be filled with God’s Spirit. In this manner, poverty of spirit expands the capacity within us for of God to dwell and abide.
Jesus, however, even more profoundly teaches that our entire life depends on God’s mercy.
The biblical word translated as “spirit” marvelously bears the literal sense of “breath.” The biblical word for “poverty” also can be rendered “beg.”
How blessed those who beg for their very life’s breath.
What if we were to depend on God’s graciousness as our lungs need air? How different would our daily living be if we harbored perfect awareness of every personal breath as God’s splendid gift?
Finally, permit me please to draw attention to the present tense marking the second part of the first beatitude. Jesus’ revelation is nothing short of astonishing. God’s Kingdom belongs right now to the poor in spirit. Those daring to place their very life’s breath and whole dependence on God personally share in the very sovereignty of the King of Kings.