Feast: Our Lady of the Rosary (10/7)

Today’s feast expresses our deepest gratitude for the great victories won by the Christian people through the power of Mary’s Rosary. It accentuates the value of this especially powerful prayer and encourages us to connect with God through it.

When prayed well the Rosary is both prayer and instruction.

The various mysteries tell us that in Mary’s life everything finds meaning in relation to God. Mary’s only joy is Jesus – to be His Mother, to clasp Him in her arms, to hear His voice, to offer Him for the world’s adoration, to contemplate Him in the glory of His Resurrection, to be united with Him in heaven. Mary’s sorrow is Jesus’ Passion – to see Him betrayed, scourged, crowned with thorns and crucified for us and for our salvation.

So, too, are we to assess all the events of our life according to their relation to God; that is, to rejoice in what is delightful to God and to suffer for sin that separates us from Him.

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