Epiphany means manifestation. The splendid Christmastime feast we celebrate today marks God’s daring to make Himself know to everyone of all ages.
“We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2b ESV-CE).
The star of the show is JESUS.
They saw the star and set out immediately. Excuses did not delay them from their quest for their faith was strong and certain. They did not hesitate at the prospect of the trials of an arduous, dangerous and uncertain trek. Their hearts were brimming with generosity. They did not postpone the journey: their souls now were ready – finally, ready!
Time again a star – JESUS – rises in our souls. It may be as an inspiration from God, clear and personal, urging us to greater generosity and calling us to life of closer union with Him. Like the magi, we too must follow the rising star with steadiness, promptness and selflessness. It is about Him – always. If we allow it to guide us, it certainly will lead us to the living God. It will bring us safely to the One whom we seek.
Intentional disciples follow the example of the magi and their perseverance, even when we are in interior darkness. Such a trial of faith only is overcome by the actual practice of Christian faith. I know God wills it and I know God is calling and this is more than enough for me. I know in whom I believe. No matter what happens, I will trust Him.