Effects of Contrition

“The Lord [Jesus] turned and looked at Peter” (Luke 22:61).

Jesus’ glace prevented Peter from falling into despair. The look was one of encouragement through which Peter felt understood and forgiven. It took him back to Jesus’ story about a loving father whose merciful stare helps to restore fractured relationships with his two sons (cf. Luke 15:11-32).

We have keen insight into Peter’s situation. CONTRITION heals the broken heart; it restores the wearied spirit; it regenerates confidence by reestablishing hope. Contrition provides the opening into which the divine mercy pours into the human soul. With God’s mercy comes happiness along with the new-found strength to interact peaceably with those whom we encounter along our way.

A final thought. Christ found no difficulty in building His Church upon a man who was able to fall, Whom he predicted would fall mightily and who did crash. God chooses weak human instruments to advance His Kingdom throughout the earth.  Genuine contrition makes it possible.

Especially this week, awaken in your heart a sincere sorrow for the sins you have committed.




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