The Feast of Corpus Christi – the Body of Christ – commemorates Jesus’ institution of the Holy Eucharist
Exodus 24:3-8
The covenant that God offers in the First Reading is accepted by everyone with one voice. As a mediator between God and the people, Moses sprinkles half of the sacrificial blood on the altar and half on the people after the covenant is read aloud. “This is the blood of the covenant” reminds us of the loyalty-relationship that is inaugurated between people when they make a “blood pact” by sharing something of their innermost vitality.
Special Note: The Second Reading (Hebrews 9:11-15) removes this foreign element, “the blood of goats and bulls”, and replaces it with the blood of the Holy One who is both God and human.
Mark 14:12-16, 22-26
In the Gospel Reading, Jesus sends two disciples ahead to prepare the paschal meal. So, too, does He leave up to us a certain preparation for the Eucharistic Feast.