Christian Faith offers no cruise control setting. You’re either going forward or going backwards, drawing closer to Christ Jesus or heading away from Him, living more confidently in His Church or glancing at it as though you’re looking through a rear view mirror.
God promises everyone always will have access to all the help they need. If we are seeking Jesus, continue to do so. If we are lost, please cry out to Him for help this very moment.
We do not even know what we are capable of doing until we are up against a difficulty, temptation, internal or external obstacle. God makes sure that the greater the challenge, the more grace we receive.
Sometimes the Lord Jesus permits us to experience great temptations and setbacks while always making available even still greater help to overcome them and find our way safely. Every time this happens, these very sufferings become the cause of our spiritual progression.
When love is lacking backwards results – guaranteed. Indifference towards God assuredly leads us astray and quickly into peril. Selfishness fuels disinterest towards God. Only we can delay or prevent our being found by Him.
For the mature Christian, Jesus Christ is control setting, the inexhaustible source of help, of love and of understanding each and every day.
With what longing am I approaching the living God?
Lord God, like the deer that yearns for flowing streams, let my soul long for you (cf. Psalm 42)!