There are many Gospel accounts of Jesus being moved compassionately at the sight of illness and pain. He healed many people as outward signs of His deliverance of us all from the deadly ravages sin.
How might we see Christ Himself in the sick whom we encounter? Recall our blessed Lord’s clear instruction that whatever we do for others in need we do to Him
- Providing good and regular company for the sick, visiting them as often as possible and giving them our full attention.
- Trying to lessen their anxieties due to their physical, emotional and spiritual discomfort.
- Making it easier for them to rest and recuperate by generously assisting with whatever we are able.
- Being patient and pleasant with them so as to help them know they are loved and never alone.
- Helping them connect their own suffering to the suffering of our Lord Jesus
- Making sure they receive the Church’s Sacraments.
Friends, we must never forget that those who are sick and suffering at the Church’s treasure and they are looked upon by God with a special love.