The 40 days of Lent commemorate our blessed Lord’s 40 days in the desert. Before Jesus was tempted, He fasted. Accordingly, in the opening prayer for Ash Wednesday Mass fastingis mentioned as tool we take up in our battle against spiritual evils.
Jesus sets the pattern for us to follow.
As the Gospels attest, Jesus’ extended fasting was not a preparation for conflict as much as it was a cause of the conflict. That is, Jesus’ fasting gave rise to Satan’s assault.
So it is for all who dare to follow Jesus and live as members of His Church.
When fasting is practiced under God’s grace as Jesus demonstrates, it always yields spiritual benefit, always improves us and always makes us better. In this manner, fasting is a pathway to God, a veritable approach to the powers of heaven. Thus, it ought to surprise no one fasting properly when hell tries to prevent our assent to heaven.
Jesus sets the pattern for us to follow.
Most assuredly, lenten fasting will be fruitful so long as God is sought throughout these 40 days.A