12 November 2017 / 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time [A]
As the Church year nears its completion and Advent sets to dawn, the Scripture Readings turn our attention to God’s dramatic action and the return of Christ as Triumphant King.
FIRST READING / Wisdom 6:12-16
For the genuine Christian – and genuine community of Christian believers – wisdom consists in constant watchfulness for God. Those steeped in wisdom sincerely seek God’s perspective and to make it their own for daily living. And what are the results of those who grow in wisdom? They remain “free from care” about their fate after death (v. 15).
The Psalmist’s prayer expresses fervent desire to be with God. May we dare to make it our own! Life is lived to the full to the degree that we recognize and receive God’s goodness. When we truly encounter God our desire for God intensifies. All that is not of God fails to satisfy the soul.
SECOND READING / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Paul seeks to awaken the faith in those who mourn for their dead as if they have no hope. He places before such people the real possibility of participating in Christ’s resurrection which disproves death’s apparent finality. We can be certain that all who sincerely belong to Christ will be with the Lord God eternally. Thus, it is imperative that we always ready ourselves to meet the Lord and to live daily in anticipation of His return.
GOSPEL READING Matthew 25:1-13
The virtue of prudence is waiting hopefully for the Lord. Even when the Lord’s actual arrival is uncertain, we confidently anticipate His appearing to us. At the hour of death we must have the oil of preparedness at hand for there will be no time to go fetch it. Readiness for God is to be lively at every moment. The Gospel emphasizes its vital importance: “Therefore, stay awake for you know neither the day nor the hour” (v. 13).