How blessed the merciful, for they will be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7).
One of the ways Saint Thérèse, the Little Flower of Jesus, teaches us to love Our Lord is by setting our sights set solidly upon God’s indescribable and inexhaustible mercy.
As we acknowledge and appreciate God’s mercy for us we become merciful.
In the especially vivid and playful imagination of Saint Thérèse, God the Father reaches down to embrace His children so to lift them ever so tenderly from their misery and weakness. How intensely God desires our love! Using a different metaphor to accent the same truth, Saint Thérèse also likens God’s Merciful Love to a tidal flood that fills and overflows. She notes with great sadness, however, that not everyone wishes to receive God’s boundless mercy. Assuredly, there is no more devastating tragedy then the rejection of His Merciful Love.
If only we can lose ourselves daily in Our Blessed Lord, we can then be merciful with a completeness of self-offering that elevates us above petty annoyances and clashes of temperament.