Christianity is not an easy way of life.
It never is enough just to be in the Church. The Church is not some club nor are its ways a hobby. Christ’s call is no summons to get comfortable and watch the years pass.
Conversion marks the beginning of an astonishing adventure across the earthly stage. For sure, our initial conversation rightly remains a significant moment for it is when we first encountered Jesus as Lord, Savior and Messiah. Yet, on-going conversions are even more important and they are increasingly demanding.
How, then, does this happen? Only by continually seeking our blessed Lord, humbly learning how to listen to God, truthfully acknowledging when we miss God’s mark and sincerely asking for His pardon and peace.
Friends, God always waits for us despite our undeserving status. In fact, the enormity of our debt never matters to Him. All we have to do is open wide our heart, to be homesick for our eternal place with God, to marvel upon and celebrate the shear gift which God lavishes upon us. He creates us as His children and tirelessly pursue us as such, even though our response to him has been so poor.
Father, let only your will be done in me and in all your creatures today. I wish no more than this, O Lord.