God draws those who belong to Him from the world to Himself.
In the account of Jesus’ Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-10), Jesus draws Peter, James and John from the world to Himself – and by extension the whole Church. Why? Because we belong to God.
I remember coming of age in a more distinctly Catholic culture that was far distinguished from the world than it is today. Today it seems we are more likely to confirm to the whims of world culture that reviles what we hold to be true as foundational beliefs.
When we permit God to draw us to Himself, it likens signing over to God the title the car and deed to the property. So it is daring to live as intentional disciple:
- My life is no longer mine.
- My plans are subject to God’s plans.
- My will is sublimated to God’s will.
In the account of Jesus’ Transfiguration, we get a glimpse of why it is worth giving everything to God. Jesus is blindingly beautiful and beyond powerful.
- Jesus’ Transfiguration gives them – and by extension the whole Church – encouragement and strength to persevere through trials and tribulations.
- Jesus’ Transfiguration gives them – and by extension the whole Church – confirmation that God is glorious beyond imagining and more powerful than any suffering, however intense it may be.
For Personal Reflection
- What are you doing in these days [of Lenb] to permit God to separate you from the world?
- What are you doing in these days [of Lent] to deepen your friendship with Jesus?