Preaching Notes: How to Navigate Trials (6/7)

Some struggles are too complex and mixed-up for the fault of a simple single cause. These trials require the light of faith for us to navigate safely and positively. These steps have help me find my way recently.

  1. Accept the struggle
  2.  Change the Question [from “why” to “how”]
  3.  Take one step at a time
  4.  See the answer as it gradually appears.

Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, experienced great suffering.

  • Her mother died when she was 4 years old
  • Her emotional state was overly temperamental leading to a debilitating bout with depression as a young teen
  • Her hero beloved father contracted dementia
  • She caught tuberculosis and suffering horribly before dying at the young age of 24.

Her trust in God (#1) enabled her to ask the right question (#2) and slowly (#3) receive grace that moved her to see intense struggle as opportunity to love and be loved (#4).


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