Some struggles are too complex and mixed-up for the fault of a simple single cause. These trials require the light of faith for us to navigate safely and positively. These steps have help me find my way recently.
- Accept the struggle
- Change the Question [from “why” to “how”]
- Take one step at a time
- See the answer as it gradually appears.
Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, experienced great suffering.
- Her mother died when she was 4 years old
- Her emotional state was overly temperamental leading to a debilitating bout with depression as a young teen
- Her hero beloved father contracted dementia
- She caught tuberculosis and suffering horribly before dying at the young age of 24.
Her trust in God (#1) enabled her to ask the right question (#2) and slowly (#3) receive grace that moved her to see intense struggle as opportunity to love and be loved (#4).