We continue to work hard preparing for your return to Mass inside your church!
- Here at Little Flower public Masses will resume on Tuesday, May 26. (Note: On Memorial Day, May 25, our offices and church are closed for the national holiday). Our first public Mass will be Tuesday, May 26 at 8:15AM.
- Because thorough sanitizing must take place after every Mass and liturgy (e.g. Wednesday Holy Hour for Life 6:00PM – 7:00PM), our temporary schedule will be announced soon which enables us to have you back in church as safely as we know how. Of course, we will add more services as we are able to do so safely.
- While strongly encouraged to be used by our bishop, face coverings remain optional in our church and on our campus.
- Only individuals living in the same household are permitted to sit together. All others must practice physical distancing and keep apart at least 6 feet.
- On Masses celebrated Saturday 4:30PM and Sunday 11:00AM we also will use the O’Grady Community Center (gym) as an indoor overflow location since the capacity of our church will be reduced nearly 70% to be in conformity with physical distancing requirements. In addition, Holy Communion will be distributed to people preferring to remain in their cars or sit outdoors and live-stream Mass (on the Dorr Street side of the building).
- The Sunday Mass dispensation from our bishop continues indefinitely and it applies to everyone. Even though public Sunday Masses are resuming, this means you are not required to attend in person. You might consider an in-person experience of Mass on a weekday when it will be less crowded.
Welcome back to Mass!