13th Sunday Ordinary Time [C] Sunday, June 30, 2019

Luke 9:51-62
In the Gospel Reading, three people insist upon a condition to following the call of Christ. However, God’s call never involves negotiation or  compromise to be had between preserving personal aspirations and living the mission of He has entrusted to us.

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time [C]

Today’s Gospel marks a turning point in Luke’s story of Jesus (Luke 9:51-62). While Jesus is well on His way to Jerusalem, we learn that the holy city actually is not His ultimate destination. Jesus is going to Jerusalem because the time is drawing near for Him to be taken up into heaven (v. 51).

The Gospel also emphasizes the importance of heeding the call of Christ obediently and resolutely. We, too, are on a journey to the God who made us and who summons us to configure our own lives to the words and example of Jesus. Our priority remains the same: to advance always and everywhere God’s Kingdom.

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