Making Progress (5/6)

If we really are going to progress as followers of Jesus Christ we must cultivate interior recollection. For sure, this is not an easy feat in our hyper-active restless day and age.

Live each day with the end in mind. For genuine Christians, the end always is the same: heaven.

This proper perspective makes our soul much more receptive to the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord the Giver of Life. When the Holy Spirit finds the soul well disposed He takes it over and leads it along paths of more meaning conversation with God.

We begin with vocal prayers most often taught us by our parents. We have been reciting these first words since we were able. Then these words slowly seem insufficient to express all we want to say to God. What formerly might have been termed “saying our prayers”, now becomes more of a “real encounter” with the Risen Lord Jesus. An encounter that is every bit as real as what we read in the Gospel resurrection narratives, though always mysterious. Intentional disciples are comfortable with God; they know Him and He knows them. For intentional disciples God keeps increasing and they keep decreasing (cf. John 3:30).

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