Seeking Deeper Water (2/7)

A fisherman’s boat is much more than a simple instrument of livelihood. The boat represents his very identity.

In today’s Gospel (Luke 5:1-11), Jesus takes His place on Simon’s boat without first having been given permission by the captain to climb aboard. That is, Jesus places Himself into the very heart of Simon’s life.

God always meets us where we are.

God’s presence and power floods our ordinary living in ways that disturb our comfort and shake us up. The question for us relates to our response. Namely, as soon as we are aware of Jesus having gotten into our boat, will our response be obedient or rebellious?

Simon makes the all-important choice to respond obediently and sets out into deeper water and allows himself to be led elsewhere by Jesus. In doing so, Simon now sets sail in an entirely different direction as he begins to live as an intentional disciple. Until this moment, Simon was living superficially and selfishly.

  • How aware are you of Jesus’ presence and power in your daily living?
  • What deeper water is Jesus seeking to have you enter?
  • What is keeping you for responding obediently to the call of Christ?


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