How To Make Good Wine (1/17)

“Everyone serves good wine first…you have kept the good wine until now” (John 2:10).

Jesus takes what is good and makes it better. It is the Risen Lord Jesus Himself who gives human lives purpose, direction and meaning. Imagine the positive difference that would flood ordinary living if everyone dared to do their daily business in a truly Christian spirit.

Whenever we offer our labors to Our Lord – both our personal and professional labors – He always turns our sincere efforts to give our very best into the most superb of wines.

Therefore, resist temptations towards becoming lukewarm and indifferent. Don’t let daily routines, impatience, frustration or laziness bring about half-hearted effort. Like water, our offerings most often are simple and ordinary. After all, Jesus could have performed the miracle with empty jars, but instead He wanted to make clear His plans for us. We must cooperate and offer something ourselves and to do so with all the means we have to complete every task. How absolutely marvelous the detail the Gospel writer John gives us that the jars are “filled to the brim” (v. 7).

For Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower of Jesus, the task always remains the same: do little things with great love. The joy of all who witnessed Jesus’ miracle in Cana stands to be our joy too if only we offer our daily efforts to Our Lord!

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