Great Obstacles Are No Match For Genuine Faith (1/15)

“Many gathered together so that there was no longer room for them, not even around the door” (Mark 2:2).

We all have made our way to a place that was crazy crowded. Unless the urgency was acute, most of us would turn away and come back another time or simply do without whatever it was we were wanting to get.

In today’s Gospel (Mark 2:1-12) a most valiant effort is made by faithful friends. Initially unable to encounter Jesus because of the tremendous crowd, they did not lessen their determination to help their needy friend. They remain focused solely on their goal – presenting their friend in need to Jesus – and climb on to the roof and lower their friend to Jesus. What a priceless expression must have been seen on our Lord’s face when He glanced up to see the paralyzed man being lowered by friends! It was because of their fortitude of friendship along with the humility of the one allowing himself to be helped that a great miracle takes place.

In many ways the paralytic represents every person whose sins prevent them from reaching God on their own. We do not know what sins had been committed in the Gospel story, only that Jesus forgives them all and cures his paralysis. The evangelist Mark makes certain we do not miss the salient point that the miracle happens because of their faith which was so readily apparent to Jesus (cf. v. 4).

  • How concerned are we to help family and friends find Jesus?
  • When are we more influenced by what other people might say than what God thinks?
  • How reluctant are we to seem different than the crowd? That is, do we wish to blend into conversations and crowds when what really is needed is that we stand out as intentional disciples?
  • When appropriate and necessary, do we know how to express our love for Jesus Christ in public?

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